Hope – Children of Ukraine:
Sponsor a Child

Donate to Help Children from Ukraine

Become a Hope Angel $30/month

Choose to sponsor a child and support him or her with a recurring monthly payment of $30.00 or one payment of $360 for the year.

Becoming a Hope Angel will help to ensure that the child you choose will have access to our foundation’s important programs and resources below: 

Help the children affected by the war in Ukraine get a chance for a
better future.

Become a Hope Champion $50/month

Choose to sponsor a program within our project with a recurring monthly payment of $50.00 or one payment of $600 for the year.

Becoming a Hope Champion will help to support the following programs: 

Group courses on career guidance

A free English language course

Individual psychological consultations

A complete set of seasonal clothes and shoes.

Becoming a Hope Angel: How it works

Choose a child whose story moved you.
Click on the child’s card to open a window where you can enter your donation amount. 
Make your $30 monthly (or $360 annual) donation which will allow the child to participate in our programs. 

Becoming a Hope Champion: How it works

Review the programs that our project includes. 

Choose a program that you would like to sponsor.

Make your $50 monthly (or $600 annual) donation which will support the program that you choose.

How it works:

Select the program you want to support.
Please fill in the required information and select a payment method.
Your support will provide the necessary resources to implement the selected program.

Here are the top three questions about sponsorship:

Why should you consider supporting the Hope-Children of Ukraine project?  

Consider becoming a Hope Angel or Hope Champion because the Hope- Children of Ukraine is committed to creating a positive change in the lives of the many children affected by the war in Ukraine.  By providing financial support to this project, you will help meet some of the basic needs these children and their families have while providing some educational opportunities for their futures. Your support or sponsorship can change the lives of these children, giving them opportunities for development and success.  

How is becoming a Hope Angel different from becoming a Hope Champion? 

We have two specific types of support you can offer. First is sponsorship of a child or becoming a Hope Angel. You can choose one child to support and provide access to the programs in this project.  Or, you can provide sponsorship for one or more specific program components, or becoming a Hope Champion.  Either way, the children reap the rewards of your support! It’s a win-win! 

How much does it cost to provide support to Hope-Children of Ukraine? 

Hope Angel: For just $30 a month, you can provide students access to programs in the project for a child. You can choose to pay by the month or with an annual payment of $360.

Hope Champion: For just $50 a month, you can focus your support on a particular component of the program that speaks to your heart. You can also choose to pay once for the year at $600.

Of course, we always accept donations of any size to help keep our programs supporting these great kids! 

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    What do you get when you become a Hope Angel or
    Hope Champion?

    A Sense of Being a Part of a Great

    You will be part of our mission to create positive change in the lives of children affected by the war in Ukraine. Your support will help provide them with quality education, psychological support, and humanitarian aid.

    Regular Updates on the Results of
    Your Support:

    You’ll receive regular updates and news on how your contributions are making a difference in the lives of these children. This may be success stories, photo reports, or information about the progress of implementation of the projects you are supporting. 

    Special Acknowledgement &

    As a token of our appreciation for your support, you will receive certificates of acknowledgement for your support and letters of gratitude from our organization. You may also receive letters from the children themselves! 

    The Joy of Giving Back:

    Supporting a charity demonstrates your social responsibility and desire to help those in need.  This can have a positive impact on your personal and professional image.  

    Personal Satisfaction and

    Knowing that your support helps to change the lives of children for the better, you will no doubt have a sense of gratitude and pride because you contributed to the well-being and future of others.  

    Opportunity to Influence the
    Development of Programs and

    You will help determine the direction and growth of our programs and projects by allowing us opportunities to refine our programs and expand into other areas where support is needed.  

    What will the children get from your sponsorship?

    Access to Quality Education

    Children will have access to English language courses, career guidance, and educational materials that will help them in their studies and personal development.

    Psychological Support

    Children will have the opportunity to attend psychological counseling to help them overcome the emotional and psychological traumas from the war that they have experienced.  

    Personal Development

    The children will be able to take course to identify their strengths, choose a future path, and learn how to write resumes and motivational letters.

    Humanitarian Aid 

    The children will receive a full set of seasonal clothing and footwear that will ensure their comfort and safety at different times of the year.  They will also receive food and basic necessities.  

    Supportive Environments

    Your support will provide the children with a safe environment where they can feel protected while receiving the help they need to continue learning and developing.   

    Future Opportunities 

    New doors, opportunities and prospects will open for the children with their participation in the program, helping them secure a successful future. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How does supporting Hope-Children of Ukraine work? 

    We have two specific types of support you can offer: 

    • Sponsorship of a Child (Hope Angel): By becoming a Hope Angel, you can choose one child to support directly. This sponsorship ensures that the child has access to the various programs that are part of our project, providing them with the necessary resources and opportunities for a better future. 
    • Sponsorship of Program Components (Hope Champion): As a Hope Champion, you can sponsor one or more specific program components. This type of support allows you to contribute to the overall success of our initiatives, directly impacting multiple children by funding essential aspects of our programs. 

    Additionally, we gratefully accept donations of any size. Every contribution, big or small, helps to support these kids and improve their quality of life. Your support is invaluable in making a real difference. No matter how you support this project, the children benefit immensely from your generosity, creating a meaningful and impactful difference in their lives. It’s a win-win!

    How much does it cost to become a sponsor of Hope-Children of Ukraine work?

    Hope Angel: For just $30 a month, you can provide students access to programs in the project for a child. You can also choose to pay by the month or with an annual payment of $360.

    Hope Champion: For just $50 a month, you can focus your support on a particular component of the program that speaks to your heart. You can also choose to pay once for the year at $600. 

    Of course, we always accept donations of any size to help keep our programs supporting these great kids! 

    Does the money go directly to the child or program? 

    100% of your funds go to support either the child or program you choose.  Our team manages the funds to ensure it is used appropriately. It does not go to administrative costs or other expenses not associated with the child or the program.  

    How long does the sponsorship last? 

    Your sponsorship is a commitment for one year, with a one-time payment for the year or a monthly payment.  

    How do you choose the child or program you will sponsor? 

    Hope-Children of Ukraine staff will provide you with a list and brief description of the children or programs you can support. Every child and program needs support so the choice is pretty straightforward.