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Change his life give his hope for a better
future from $30 a month
Dmytro ` s story
Dmytro is 12 years old and dreams of learning English to open up more opportunities for himself. His greatest wish is to work in IT, which requires a good command of English. Dmytro loves building with construction toys and inventing various mechanisms. He envisions how his ideas could become part of the technological world.
Dmytro lives in the village of Dільниче in the Mykolaiv region. At the beginning of the war, his family was forced to move to Ternopil, but they have now returned home. The war has negatively impacted their lives, leading to the closure of schools and kindergartens. Dmytro has a younger brother, and since the kindergartens are closed, his mother cannot work and takes care of the child instead. Currently, only his father is working and providing for the family.
Dmytro dreams of a quality education, developing a career in IT, and helping his family. Your support will help him learn English and get closer to achieving his dreams.
Thank you for your attention and support for Dmytro!
Yes, I will sponsor Dmytro
Mykolaiv region
Your donation will change the lives of the sponsored children from Ukraine and give them hope for the future.
12 Years Old
Your donation will change the life of your sponsored child from Ukraine and give them hope for the future.
Donations of $30 per month ($360 one-time annual payment) provide each child access to our English language classes and other support services.
$ 30

For $30 a month ($360 annually), you will join our incredible community of Hope Angels who, like you, strive to give the children affected by the war in Ukraine a brighter future. Your contribution will be combined with donations from other Hope Angels and Champions to ensure ongoing support for your sponsored child.